Feel free to contact us!

Mareike Pauw


Phone: 0541 201951 0
Email: info@inlingua-osnabrueck.de


Office Hours:
Mon., Tue., Thu. from 09:00 AM - to 12:00 PM
Afternoons by appointment only

Get in touch.

Feel free to contact us!

Anna-Kathrin Klasing

Phone:  0541 - 20951 - 10
Email: klasing@inlingua-osnabrueck.de

Office Hours:
Mon., Tue., Thu. from 09:00 AM - to 12:00 PM
Afternoons by appointment only

Get in touch.


Feel free to contact us!

Christopher Mason

Phone: +49 (0)176 84899903
Email: translations@inlingua-osnabrueck.de

Get in touch.

Feel free to contact us!

Mairjane Nabo

Phone:  0541 - 20951 - 30
Email: info@inlingua-osnabrueck.de

Office Hours:
Mon., Tue., Thu. from 09:00 AM - to 12:00 PM
Afternoons by appointment only

Get in touch.


Feel free to contact us!

Philip Battermann

Phone:  0541 - 20195 - 0
E-Mail battermann@inlingua-osnabrueck.de

Office Hours:
Mon., Tue., Thu. from 09:00 AM - to 12:00 PM
Afternoons by appointment only

Get in touch.

Feel free to contact us!

Anna Schott

Phone:  0541 - 20195 - 20
Email: info@inlingua-osnabrueck.de

Office Hours:
Mon., Tue., Thu. from 09:00 AM - to 12:00 PM
Afternoons by appointment only

Get in touch.




Feel free to contact us!


Telefon  0541 - 21854
E-Mail: integration@inlingua-osnabrueck.de

Mo., Di., Do. von 09:00 Uhr bis 12:00 Uhr
Nachmittags nur mit Termin

Kontakt aufnehmen

Feel free to contact us!

Samra Kalac



Phone: 0541 - 20195 - 10
Email: integration@inlingua-osnabrueck.de

Office Hours:
Tue, Thu: 09:00 AM to 02:00 PM
Afternoons by appointment only


Get in touch.


Sprechen Sie uns an!

Arsun Bulut

Telefon  +49 (0) 541 20195132
E-Mail: bulut@inlingua-osnabrueck.de

Di., Do. von 09:00 Uhr bis 12:00 Uhr

Feel free to contact us!

Marie Rolfes

Phone:  0541 - 20951 - 33
Email:  rolfes@inlingua-osnabrueck.de

Contact us 

Feel free to contact us!

Ajdin Cogo

Phone: 0541 201951 80
Email: cogo@inlingua-osnabrueck.de

Contact us